Thursday, May 2, 2013

Meat food processing as a source of premature death.

Researchers in Switzerland. Recent research reveals that the consumption of processed meat products. Sausage, ham and bacon that are a common cause of premature death. And a dangerous national This is the premiere medical alert consumers to the popular red meat to "reduce" and "no" before health is worse than this. 
Burroughs Prof. Sabina Baumann and his team of researchers at the University of Zurich revealed that 13-year period studied, this research found that the components present in meat processing.Usually with salt and seasoning powder chemical raw materials, which will help to preserve the fresh sausage, ham and bacon can take a long time. It adds flavor to suit consumers.
However, these components are dangerous to the health.Consumers thousands per year.
They also found that eating processed meat in large quantities. Also characterized the lives of the people changed from the original, such as smoking more often. Drink alcohol in higher quantities.Body and move less.
With so many factors that come from eating this kind. Body than accept it. Open to diseases like cancer and heart disease asked for. Confirmed by the findings of the doctors found. People who eat large amounts of processed meat are at risk of heart disease and 11% to 72% the risk of cancer.
However, doctors warn those who like to eat red meat. Such as beef, pork, lamb, processed into various products that reduce consumption. Of sausage and ham on before ever taking a day to just 160 g, 20 g, which is the reduction of consumption to meet the doctor prescribed. Can reduce the mortality rate of up to 3,000 people per year.

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