Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Reducing stress, reducing weight by 10 steps.

A. The target. "Feel good" healthy eating is a good memory helps you accomplish more than the idea that you are forced to eat.

How to: Before you eat dessert. I asked myself. "If you eat it. I feel in another hour, "for example, after eating a chocolate bar to bar. You may feel thirsty, fatigue, irritability, but on the other hand. Only 15 minutes to go to the gym will make you feel good all day.

Two. Are breathing easy. You do not need to meditate for hours. Breathing exercises in just 5 minutes every morning will help you a great day.

How to: Use a pillow to sleep on the floor, a small head and a blanket covering the body. Breathing - deep breaths and take notice. Breathe slowly and naturally longer to relax.

Three. The relaxation. Walking helps control stress hormones do not increase the amount of the hormone. (In the exercise repeated. The run will cause stress hormones) can also help relax tense muscles and helps the breathing is regular. Due to the stress. Many people may be holding your breath out.

How to: walking outdoors (but not the sun) for at least 30-45 minutes a day walking to or from 8,000 to 15,000 steps per day.

Four. And quality. We can not be a baby cry or complain of a boss. But what we do is to reduce the tension between the physical and mental health problems caused by stress accumulation.

How to: Relaxation is not meant to sleep alone. (Although I will help a lot), but we want to stay as active action such as swimming or walking in nature, yoga, or even socializing with friends, etc.

Five. Eat protein with it. Protein helps to build muscle, lose fat for energy compensation. You have a real and essential amino acid that helps stabilize blood sugar levels. The mood was pretty consistently. Is less.

How to: Eat a meal following at least one serving, including eggs, nuts or seeds. Low-fat beef or chicken. (If it should be organic) and fish.

6. Stop longing for dessert. Stress may be causing the cycle of carbohydrates like sweets and dry. Which leads to weight gain and no end.

How to: To reduce the sugar. We'll be a mixture of sugar, which ends with "ose" (label), and remember that corn syrup. Index of Prince of maltose, molasses and barley malt, sugar is the same.

Seven. Do not fear fat. Good fats in every meal will help you to enjoy. As well as to help you stop longing for dessert.

How to: You can find good fats in avocados, almonds and other nuts, seeds, olive oil, sesame seeds, flax seeds, coconut or olive oil, Extra Power and Tin.

Eight. Fitness, however. "Less is more" hour after hour on the machine that motivated the creation of stress hormones. The cause weight gain. But a study recently showed that activity in the short term. It stimulates your metabolism, which at least eight hours after exercise.

How To: The Best of weightlifting or resistance exercise (Resistance Training) is only 15 minutes by using different muscles. I like a bunch of movement to and from the port or interface functions are training in Montreal to a level as fast as possible to a minute to run slowly for 15 minutes three times a week.

9th. Are great stress. The physical stress. And it makes you stronger. Stress experienced by a body is programmed to respond.

How to: stress that it is in our control. There is clearly beginning to end, and the restoration of the brain, brain exercise games. On the other hand. Stress can not control, such as financial problems, work or love. The reverse effect.

10th. Back to a healthy lifestyle to. Blue Valley cream you just ate may not be any problems if you return to the same stress-free lifestyle.

How to: leave it attitude. "I have to stop eating this stuff," which is very stressful and led to the wolf. If you exercise a lot. Eat nutritious foods. And prevention of stress every day. You do not need it with food or alcohol.

Magazine, Lisa.
The content.

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